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Brochures, Resources and Info for Writers/Speakers

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Authors have so much more to do than write. We edit, rewrite and revised some more. We format and make sure everything is right before sending it off to the editor. 

If an editor likes it, there may be minor or even major edits/rewrites asked for. Editors don't really buy your article or story, they buy their vision for it and how to make it best fit their readership. 

There is always marketing and promotion to do. There are markets to check out, downloading writer's guidelines and reading what the publisher publishers. There is much more to being a "writer" than writing. 

Most of all, being a published/successful author takes determination, working hard, reworking, learning the craft and being willing to take criticism and advice to make that writing shine. 

1. Bio - profile style using your own quotes
2. Good quality Photo
3. Page with cover blurb synopsis of each manuscript
4. List of awards
5. If you have (or can get them) use quotes
from published authors about your work.

These days, check to see if you can send everything through their website or by email.


The following booklets help you write and market your work professionally as well as overcome the fear of speaking. (Something almost every author ends up getting asked to do. 

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Do I As An Author, Graciously Handle Critiques?
Eccl. 7:5 GW It is better to listen to wise people who reprimand you than to fools who sing your praises.
As an author I want others to like what I write. But I long ago, learned to value honest critiques. Without that feedback I live in the illusion that what I write is wonderful. It isn't. Writing is a process, a refining process. Only as we're willing to put in the hard work to rethink, rip apart, edit--and do it all again--will our writing be the jewel God intended.
So it is with our lives. We don't always need those who falsely encourage. What we need are those who love us enough to be honest. We need to be willing to put in the hard work needed--allowing God to rework and remake us into a jewel for Him.

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Grammar Grabbers home page

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© 2004, 2013 Carolyn R. Scheidies


How often, Lord, do I throw your gifts back into your face,

Not appreciating what you've given,

Because my eyes seek another,

A distant prize, or I permit discouragement to seep in?


How often do I despise the abilities and talents you've created in me,

Refusing to use, even abusing them out of ambition or pride,

Desiring another's abilities and talents,

While unwilling to learn and grow proficient in my own,

Unwilling to rejoice in my own God-given creativity?


How often, Lord, do I jealously seek the dregs of another's talent,

Instead of scaling the heights of my own?


Lord Jesus, forgive.

Help me recognize, develop and use the abilities and talents you've given me.

You gave them to me for a reason.

Help me to use them to share the message of Grace

With a people who need forgiveness, peace and hope.



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            Read, Remember,

            Research until ready to write


            Plot: And then what happened

            Theme: Take away message



            Characters: who are they, age, background, feelings, conflicts, relationships,.

            Setting: Where, when,

            Chapter by chapter: action (may change as you write)




            Cut 1/3, Look for deadwood, substitute active for passive verbs, passages, etc.

            Cut anything which doesn't directly relate to the story

            Write for brevity: Who, What, When, Where, Why & How




            Let someone who'll be honest critique your MS

6. RESEARCH the MARKET : Where to send MS, List several choices

            How much to send: Query, Proposal, Complete

            Writer's Market, Writer's Digest

            Other sources & market books


            Consider suggestions from reader.


            Restate for better transition and flow



10. REJOICE!!!


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For those who prefer the anonymity of writing, speaking may loom as a frightening cliff, but it isn't...not if you break it down and look at it as you do your writing.

First of all, change your focus. Fear emanates from looking at yourself. Look upward. God gave you your talent, your abilities. He's not going to fail you. Look outward, focus on the audience who wants to hear what you have to say, wants to glean the secrets of your success.

Second, As when writing, plan. Outline or write down the points you want to make. What is your theme? What is your plot? In other words: in your speech, talk or workshop, what do you want to say first, second, third, last? What do you want the audience to "take away" from the session?

Third: Like a written story, a speech needs a beginning where you grab the listeners' attention and make them want to listen. Use examples not only of your successes, but also of your failures that the audience might identify with you.

Fourth: The middle of your speech gives the "meat" of the information. Get the audience involved with questions or "hands on" worksheets.

Fifth: End your talk with encouragement and practical helps. Be sure to leave room for the questions which are sure to come.

One, two, three, four, five. There you have your speech, your talk, your workshop. Think of your talk as a manuscript not only as you write it, but also as you work on it. For, like a manuscript, rewriting is important, as are smooth transitions. Rework until you know just what you want to say.

Then practice. Record your speech so you can hear how you sound. Practice in front of a mirror so you can see how you look. If possible, practice in front of family or friends who will give you honest feedback.

As you practice, you'll become more confident in yourself and in your material.

When the big day arrives, stand up front, take a deep breath, breathe a prayer, and smile. Remember those strange faces staring back at you want you to succeed as much as you do....

Focus...and begin

© 2002-2017 By Carolyn R. Scheidies--All rights reserved.
Please do NOT use anything on this page or web site without permission. Thank you.

Scheidies author of features fiction mystery, history, romance,
