Hints, helps and practical mother-to-mother
advice from the “experts” mothers who’ve been there. Includes advice from such mothers as Francine Rivers,
Linda E Shepherd, Gayle Roper and Liz Curtis Higgs, as well as mothers from all walks of life.
Being a Mother isn’t
easy, isn’t simple and can take us to the edge of sanity and despair. You are not alone! We’ve all been there.
Those with lots of degrees behind their names have something to offer, but there is nothing like the experience of the Moms
who’ve lived through all the frustrations and the joys of motherhood---and learned how to cope with everything from
pain during breastfeeding to taking time for themselves.
You will not find statistics or dry academics here. The contributors to this book
for new moms are real moms who’ve survived the real world of day-to-day mothering. And reveal their secrets so you can
gives wise and encouraging advice that any mother will love and benefit from. Her heart of love and practical ideas jump out
from the page and will inspire any mother to think, "Hey, I CAN do this after all!" --Kathy Collard Miller, speaker and
author of numerous books, including Princess to Princess