Devotionals: First I Bow
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Through Scripture, Prayers,
Verse and Devotionals,
FIRST I BOW, will help you connect
with God and start (or end)
your day on the right note,
knowing God is there,
He cares and He offers
guidance, peace and hope.
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Religion, Tradition—or Truth
Deuteronomy 11:1 Therefore you shall love the LORD your God, and keep his charge, and his statutes, and his judgments,
and his commandments, always.
I say I love Jesus
I really don't KNOW what the Bible says
Probably a dry book
With some little Sunday School stories
of David and the giant,
Of Jesus being born in a manger
The whole gruesome cross
And the hard-to-believe
story of the resurrection.
Jesus was a good person
I want to be kind and compassionate like Him.
Yes...I love what Jesus stood for
Though maybe I wouldn't go as far as some.
Well no, I know only what I heard
in the few church services I've attended.
Read a few articles.
You say the Bible is God's Word?
I need to actually know God
I need to have a relationship with Jesus?
He's more than tradition or a religion?
It isn't about me or feeling good,
but about giving my life to Him,
giving Him complete control?
Doing life His way, not mine?
Can this be true?
Maybe I need to explore this further.
Maybe actually see what God says in His Word.
Maybe, I don't know much at all.
Love God?
I don't know anymore.
Help me, Lord, know the truth.
It's the start. A willing heart.
Playing Games with God?
Deuteronomy 6:24 (KJV) And the LORD commanded us to do all these statutes, to fear the LORD our God, for our good always,
that he might preserve us alive, as it is at this day.
God isn't some sugar daddy in the sky. He is great. He is powerful. He is also personal and loving. We can't play games with
Him. He doesn't wink at sin when we choose wrong instead of right. He doesn't take away all our problems. He is there waiting
to bless, protect and guide when we seek forgiveness and seek a relationship with Him. And while He doesn't take away all
our problems, He is there to comfort and guide us through.
His principles may not float our boat when we want to do our own thing. But if we settle one truth--that what He does is for
our ultimate good--we will know joy if we choose to follow Him. Why? Because then, we will experience God's forgiveness, blessing
and peace within.
© 2010-2011, 16 Carolyn R Scheidies FIRST I BOW
Below are
other devotionals to encourage, challenge and inspire you in your walk of faith.
© 2017 Carolyn R Scheidies
Three month cancer shot for hubby Monday,
Doctor appointments for us both on Wednesday,
Hubby’s monthly cancer shot on Friday.
Our lives tied up with treatments, labs and what doctors say.
Yet we know that come what may,
Our lives are more than where our health is today.
For true health comes from the Words of He
Who lived, died and rose again for you and me.
Whatever my health on any given day,
I will gives thanks as this truth I firmly proclaim,
I am whole and complete
In Jesus’ name.
My son, be attentive to my words; incline your ear to my sayings. Let them not escape from your sight; keep them within
your heart. For they are life to those who find them, and healing to all their flesh.
~ Proverbs 4:20-22
Rest & Trust
Psalm 3:5 KJV I laid me down and slept; I awaked; for the LORD sustained me.
No matter what precautions we take for our safety, and we do need to
use common sense, life happens. We cannot predict many illnesses,
accidents or catastrophies.
Fear is not the answer. The answer is to have such a close
relationship with Jesus that we rest secure not just in the knowledge
of our eternal destiny, but also trust Him as our protector, provider
and our peace here and now.
Not about ‟Dos and Don'ts”
Deuteronomy 16:10-11 And you shall keep the feast of weeks unto the LORD your God...
Rejoice before the LORD your God, you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and
the Levite that is within your gates, and the stranger, and the fatherless, and the widow, that are among you, in the place
which the LORD God has chosen to place his name there.
As a teen dealing with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis, I was sent to a rehabilitation center run by a Jewish organization.
It seemed Jewish patients celebrated special times and events all the time.
The Bible confirms that while God wants a people who follow Him and Him alone, without divided loyalties, he also wants to
bring His people joy.
Those who live the Christian life with long lists of don'ts and even longer faces have missed the basic message. We can't
save ourselves by what we do. We are saved by what Jesus already did for us. That is cause for joy and celebration to and
from the God who created us for joy.
Philippians 4:4 (KJV) Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice.
But Mary treasured up all these words, pondering in her heart what they might mean. --Luke 2:19 NET
In our rushed, instant culture, how often do we take time to think, meditate, ponder, reflect? Yet God asks us to do just
that with admonitions to "Be still...," "Come away," "Think on these things."
We become what we spend time thinking, reading, viewing, interacting with...pondering.
What we spend time filling our minds and lives with has consequences in what we value and how we live. God is love, hope,
peace. The more time we take reflecting on God's Word, the more our lives will reflect Him.
How much time am I willing to spend each day reflecting on God's Word in order that my thoughts and life reflect what God
(c) 2014, 16 Carolyn R Scheidies
(c) 2016 Carolyn R Scheidies
But the high priests and elders persuaded the crowds to ask for Barabbas and to demand that Jesus be put to death. So
the governor asked them, “Which of the two men do you want me to release for you?”
“Barabbas!” they replied. --Matthew 27:20-21 ISV
Those people choose a murderer over Jesus. Who or what do we choose over the one we claim to serve--family, relationships,
work, position, status, striving for wealth or acclaim, some charismatic leader?
What do we put in place of studying God's Word? Do we take time for prayer--communication and listening?
Do we, you, me choose things that don't matter--video games, texting, TV --junk over Jesus? It matters. As in Jesus' day,
our choices have consequences. Who do you choose today--Barabbus or Jesus?
(c) 2016 Carolyn R Scheidies
"I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob?
He is not the God of the dead, but of the living." --Matthew 22:32 ISV
Do we truly realize we serve a living Lord who created
us cares about us, and knows us?
Do our words and behavior and choices show our faith is real or do they reveal us
as shallow, self centered and anything
but the Christ followers we claim to be!
Do we read His Word and communicate with Jesus
on a personal level or do we go our own way?
Do we live for "me" or for Jesus-who lives and loves,
is here and cares--today?
Do we know the difference?
Praise Let everything that breathes
praise the LORD. Praise the LORD! --Psalm 150:6 MKJV
isn't just for worship, not just for kindnesses offered. God wants gratitude to be a basic value, a habitual attitude. When we bless instead of curse, complement instead of complain, we lift up rather
than tear down.
When we anchor our lives in Jesus and make honoring and praising Him
a daily habit, we foster an attitude of gratitude that spills out in out other relationships. In having an attitude of gratitude,
we bring peace instead of conflict and hope instead of despair.
of all we allow God's love to flow.
It Makes a Difference (c) 2016 Carolyn R Scheidies
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is fair, whatever is pure, whatever is acceptable,
whatever is commendable, if there is anything of excellence and if there is anything praiseworthy—keep thinking about
these things. Likewise, keep practicing these things: what you have learned, received, heard, and seen in me. Then the God
of peace will be with you. -- Philippians 4:8-9 ISV
What we put in our minds does
make a difference. We become what fills our thoughts. God and righteous input leads to thoughts, words and actions that lift
up and bring peace and grace. input that grieves God, that are against His Word and harmful to us and others leads to separation
from God and all that is good and upright.
We cannot continue to play with fire and not get burned--physically,
emotionally and spirituality. Do I think on good things--which starts with what I feed my mind?
a Walk in the Park
(c) 2015 Carolyn R
You greatly rejoice in this
(salvation), even though you have to suffer various kinds of trials
for a little while,... 1 Peter 1:7
Christianity isn’t for wimps.
never promised an easy life. He does promise His presence, provision,
protection and, most of all, His peace through whatever storms enter
our lives. It means that no matter what we go through, He is there,
He suffers with us, and His presence makes a difference in ultimate
outcome--whether that is life here or in eternity. Only Christ brings
comfort rather than despair and hope in the darkness. It seems easy
to give up and blame God when our world is rocked and things don’t
go as “I” think they should.
We turn away from Him when we need
the most. For He is the only one who is always there fighting with
and for us. In both sorrow and joy, He is there. He knows. How can I
not turn toward and trust the One who created me, who keeps me
grounded in reality and who is there ready to reach out when I turn
to Him?
Using Discernment in Sharing
the multitude of words there is no lack of disobedience, but he who restrains his lips does wisely.--Proverbs 10:19 NHEB
live at a time in which we share constantly. We share good news and bad. We share intimate details of our lives. We pass on
gossip and tidbits of, often, inaccurate information with little thought to truth. Elections are won and lost on distortions
and outright lies.
Yet, God cautions us. The wise person knows when to keep his/her own counsel, knows when to keep information private.
This person also learns to listen, go beyond shallow gossip, even of the media, to discern truth.
Am I wise and discerning, or do
I run ahead of God's leading, spilling my mind senselessly and making life decisions on shallow grounds?
mouth of the righteous brings forth wisdom, but the perverse tongue will be cut off. --Proverbs 10:31 NHEB
Remain alert. Keep standing
firm in your faith. Keep on being courageous and strong.-- 1Corinthians 16:13 ISV
don't walk away from God all at once. There are little choices along the way. Usually based on unresolved issues for which
God is blamed. Instead of trusting, one stops reading the Bible or starts intellectualizing the message within. Distance grows
and praying no longer seems to have value. Finally, a person stands alone with no relationship to God, and with a heart that
is hurt and empty.
don't need to go that route. It does mean we need to stay alert and stand firm in faith even when we don't understand. It
means not making those small choices that put a barrier between us and God and to resolve issues instead of avoiding them.
It is coming to God for answers instead of walking away and shutting Him it out. It is spending more time with Him, not less
with one sincere question--show me, Lord.
can stand strong, but only in Him.
When I called
out, you answered me; you strengthened me.-- Psalm 138:3 ISV
The big difference with the Christian faith and religion is that Jesus is not
some far off capricious being who must be placated or begged for attention. He is not found in images or icons--and strictly
forbids them.
Jesus is our loving, caring Creator who is here and near. He desires not the relationship of lowly minion to master,
which is what we are, but the relationship of student to mentor, friend to friend. He desires a relationship with two-way
This means that throwing out commands and demands are not going to engender a positive response anymore
than it does with our family and friends here. Prayer is sharing, asking, worshiping...and listening. As we listen through
his Word or that still small voice--He speaks. As we listen, He answers the deepest needs of our being. And, as we listen
and follow His guidance, we are strength for life's journey.
The Hunger Within
Jesus told them, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me
will never become hungry, and whoever believes in me will never become thirsty. --John 6:35 ISV
There is an empty place, like a hungry stomach, inside each of us that needs
to be filled. Many fill this void with family, friends, work or religion and the striving to be good or to be sombody.
̉thers fill this void with alcohol, drugs or sex. None of these things satisfy
the deepest longings of our hearts or stops the hunger. We were created not just for ritual, but for a personal relationship
with our Creator. We hunger to know and be known, To know someone is there who truly cares. Jesus is that Someone.
He satisfies the deepest longings of our hearts. But we must come, learn of Him
and ask Him to fill that hungry place with His love. Is my faith mere form that leads to am empty life or is my life full
and rich with Him?